# | $AREA | Telephone area code
1 | $CITY | City/Town |
2 | $CATCLASS | Site Category or Class if personal home page is selected (derived from Map File) |
3 | $CATEGORY | Site Category (derived from map File) |
4 | $CATNAME | Name of SubmitWolf category. |
5 | $CLASS | Site Class (derived from Map File) |
6 | $CLASSNAME | Name of SubmitWolf class. |
7 | $COMPANY | Company Name |
8 | $COUNTRY | Country |
9 | $country | Country (forced to lower case) |
10 | $Country | Country (First Character Upper case) |
11 | $DESCRIPTION | A description of the site to be submitted. (or a comment) |
12 | $DAY | Current Day (2 digits) |
13 | $DOMAIN | Uppercase Code of URL Domain. e.g.: AU. (often used as a country code) |
14 | $domain | Lowercase Code of URL Domain. e.g.: au. (often used as a country code) |
15 | $EMAIL | Site Contact Email |
16 | $FAX | Fax number |
17 | $FIRST | First name of Person responsible for site and/or submission |
18 | $KEYWORDS | A list of search keywords |
19 | $KEYWORDn | Where n is the n'th keyword from the list. |
20 | $LANGAUGE | The main Language as used on the page |
21 | $LONGDESC | Long Description (512 bytes) |
22 | $MOBILE | Mobile Tel Number |
23 | $MONTH | Current Month (2 digits) |
24 | $NAME | Full name. (e.g.: $FIRST $SURNAME) |
25 | $PASSWORD | Required by some sites to change details later |
26 | $STATE | State/Province |
27 | $STATECODE | State Code or Abbreviation (e.g.: DC) |
28 | $STREET | Street Address |
29 | $SURNAME | Surname of Person Responsible for site and/or submission |
30 | $TEL | Telephone Number |
31 | $TOLLFREE | Toll Free Telephone Number |
32 | $TYPE | Site Type (derived from Map File) |
33 | $TYPENAME | Name of SubmitWolf type. |
34 | $URL | URL of a site to be submitted |
35 | $URLBASE | The URL with the path and 'http://' removed. |
36 | $URLTITLE | A brief description of the URL |
37 | $USERNAME | required by some to modify details later. |
38 | $YEAR | Current Year (4 digits) |
39 | $ZIP | Zip/Post Code